Find out about our donations & sponsorship
Donations and Sponsorship 2024 - North Midlands Credit Union Ltd. Mullingar - Longford - Westmeath

Donations & Sponsorship

Since 1998 North Midlands Credit Union has provided a fund to support community voluntary groups in their work in the local Community. The Social and Cultural fund is a special fund, which is approved by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the fund is to give recognition and financial support to voluntary organisations that make such a valuable contribution to the quality of life within the local community. This year the fund was increased to €170,000.

The fund is available to support organisations working in a variety of sectors and projects such as community and social development, youth activities, the disability and active age sector and sporting organisations. The initiative is now in its 27th year and to date has provided over €2.3 million to local voluntary organisations. So far this year the credit union has supported over 320 organisations.

Below are some of the 2024 recipients of funding. View the full list of recipients here





How to apply

How To Apply

To apply for social or cultural funding from North Midlands Credit Union please complete the appropriate form from our Downloads section. All forms must be posted or handed into our Mullingar head office.
