What is Greenify?

Greenify is a green home energy upgrade loan brought to you by North Midlands Credit Union aiming to finance your home energy upgrades, making homes around the country more energy efficient, more fuel efficient and greener!
Make a start to greener living.

Our members use their Greenify loan to:

- Upgrade their heating systems

- Install insulation

- Install solar panels

- Upgrade doors and windows

And much more...

Estimate your loan repayments

Loan Calculator

I'd like to borrow:
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):
Loan term (years):
Loan term (months):

APR 11.00%

APR 11.00%

Repayment Summary*:










Loan Enquiry

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In response to the wider Climate Crisis, we offer support to our members support on their journey towards greener homes through our Greenify loan product. Greenify is a home energy upgrade loan aiming to finance your home energy upgrades, making homes more energy efficient, more fuel efficient and greener. For all the information you require, view our Greenify loan booklet here.

How to apply

How To Apply

Help with the cost of making members' homes more energy efficient, environmentally friendly and support them in reducing their personal carbon footprint. Existing members can call our Business and Home Loan Lender in our Mullingar head office.

If you would like more information about Greenify loans contact our Business and Home Loan Lender in our Mullingar Head office.

Contact Us