Your wages can be paid directly into your credit union account. Provide your employer with your credit union IBAN & BIC to transfer your wages into your account.
Have your pension, social welfare payments and benefits paid directly into your credit union account.
You can save by setting up a regular Standing Order from your bank account. Transfer money as you please if you do not want to commit to a regular payment option.
You can save by debit card payment. We accept all Mastercard & Visa debit cards and visa electron cards. This can be done online, over the phone or at the counter.
You can save by setting up a regular direct debit from your bank account. This can be set up in any of our branches.
You can save by deducting funds directly from your wages/salary into your Credit Union account. Check with your employer to see if they facilitate this scheme.
The savings cap of €20,000 on new members joining North Midlands Credit Union on or after the 19th December 2022 has been removed with effect from 1st January 2025.
All members can now save up to a maximum of €100,000 in the Credit Union.
Members’ savings are covered by the State Deposit Guarantee Scheme which guarantees savings of up to €100,000.00 per person. Find out more on the Depositor Information Sheet available from our Downloads section.
We want you to be a part of North Midlands Credit Union so if you live, work, or attend school within the common bond, or live with a relative that is already a member, you can join today!
Please note: North Midlands Credit Union Ltd operates a savings cap of €100,000 per member: this limit applies on a cumulative basis across all of your balances with the credit union.
If you would like more information on saving with North Midlands Credit Union please contact us today.
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